Who Am I...
I honestly think that my mother naming me Danielle Smith was the best decision she ever made for me. I personally feel that because she gave me this generic name I am the unique character that I am today. That among many other things. As a child I strived to appear "normal" and to fit in with the crowds that I was around and became quite good at assimilating and blending in with groups. I became a chameleon of sorts. This act or show that I put on is what gave me the many layers to my personality that I have today. Because I tried to blend in and hung with different groups I opened myself to many different worlds and learned different things. But this also lead to me having an identity crisis. I didnt know who I was, I didnt know if what I liked was solely because I liked it and not because I was around other people who liked it. I had goals that were given to me, implanted into my head and was told that this is what I should do with my life. It took a huge, life shattering shake up for me to finally snap out of it and realize that I needed to change. I needed to wipe my slate clean and be the Danielle I want to be. And I must admit, finding myself is quite fun. I'm trying new things and I dont give a fuck who likes what I'm doing or why I'm doing it. I'm making Danielle happy FINALLY. My goals are set in my mind and I'm slowly but surely moving along on my newfound path, discovering new and thrilling things along the way. Like the Phoenix tattooed onto my back I'm rising from the ashes that were of my old self and rising new and stronger.
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