Duck Tales

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Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I'm a simple woman with a complex mind and here is where I express my weird and sometimes unusual but always thought provoking random ramblings. Hope you enjoy em, and if you dont -shrugs- sucks to be you ^_^

Jun 24, 2010


           I have an old soul. Or at least that's what I'm told. Maybe its because I have a more mature view of things than other people my age or because I can be very old fashioned. I dont know, but either way, whatever the reason I do not have the mentality of the people of my generation...I tell you this so you can understand why I think the way I think, especially when it comes to relationships...

            In the last 2 days I have had 2 separate conversations with 2 of my closest friends about 2 different things but both lead to my point. My 1st friend told me a story of how a man was dating a woman for 3 years and it turned out that she used to be a he. Now you might be thinking, Danielle what the hell does that have to do with anything? Where is this heading? Well, 1st let's establish my point. People are jumping into relationships with people they know nothing about and do not attempt to learn anything about them. They do this blind man's dive into the pool of "love" (which 9 times out of 10 is really LUST) only to surface in the water to find a stranger looking at them. How is it possible that this man was with this "woman" for 3 years and didnt know that she used to be a he? He was FUCKING and basically LIVING with this "woman" for THREE years and he didnt know? Where was the research into "her" life? Did he not meet "her" family? "Her" friends? Ask about "her" childhood? I find it very hard to believe that you can be with someone for THREE YEARS and not learn about their life, their past...hell did he not realize that "SHE" NEVER HAD "HER" PERIOD? In the end it all chalks up to stupidity, not caring about anything but the sex and not doing your RESEARCH! 

           Now, the 2nd conversation I had was with a friend of mines who is dating a young lady he met online. He has yet to meet her in person, but they are a couple [insert fail pic here]. Currently they are having issues. Gee...ya THINK? I have no objections to people meeting online and ultimately becoming a couple. There is absolutely no problem with this. As long as you are smart and realize that the person that is presented online and in those late night cake sessions on the phone may not be what you get when you take the font, computer screen and phone away from the equation and add flesh & bone. You know, meeting face to face? Actually going out on dates? Physically interacting with this person...shit like that. I will not deny that I have in the past (and currently) began to like someone that I correspond with online. But it has never graduated to a full blown relationship. Why? Because it is realized that yes, I like ya font, I like who you present to me but I ultimately do not know you. I dont know if the great "chemistry" we have in our textual convos will translate to great physical chemistry in the real world (and I dont mean sexually either).

        My 2nd point of this posting about relationships is what happened to the DATING process? What happened to getting to know a person, enjoying their company and allowing a relationship to GROW? What happened to being friends first and building up to a commitment? I dont understand why this process has died. I rather ENJOY that process of learning new things about this person for whom I like, doing things with them and making them my best friend, lover and other half. It is my belief that a relationship is like a order for a relationship to last there must 1st be a strong foundation which is built during the dating process. After this foundation comes the walls which is built through the communication of the 2 parties and keeps out outside parties who wish to break down this foundation. Next are the floors which represents the growth that all relationships must and will always go through. No relationship will remain on the ground floor. It will evolve, grow and get on different levels as it matures. I honestly feel that people need to get back to this way of thinking and stop rushing into things, having babies and broken homes...I doubt it will happen but an old soul can dream cant it?

Jun 3, 2010

The College Blues

Idk about anybody else but I grew up thinking that college was going to be some fantastic life changing experience that I must do in order to succeed in life. Boy was my black ass WRONG. Since I graduated from high school, college has been nothing but stressful, and expensive. I'm up to my knees in debt because of student loans and now pay out of pocket for my tuition and books. Its funny that no one told me that I'd have to deal with this kind of shit when I got to college. They just insisted that I go and further my education so that I may get some fantastic, high earning job that I can only get with the golden ticket aka a college degree. Which, it turns out is a bunch of bologna. I know plenty of college graduates that cant find a job that doesn't involve them saying "Hi welcome to [insert fast food joint here]. Can I take your order?" or asking some fat chick if she's sure she can fit in a size 2. And I also know of plenty of non college graduates (like BILL GATES) who have very good jobs with very good pay. Honestly its not like going to college means you're smart. Hell, Ive learned that going to law school, medical school and grad school doesn't necessarily mean you're smart either. Just means you were able to regurgitate what was said to you and sat in class for a few years... So what the fuck? Why was I lied to and told that I wont get anywhere in life without a college degree? Cause I mean, if I had known the truth I could have saved myself a lot of money, a lot of wasted time and stress filled nights, worried that I wont pass my fucking classes! And that's another thing, why are we forced to take classes that have nothing to do with our major? I'm trying to be an attorney, why do I have to dissect a fetal pig in Biology? Shouldn't I be starting school working on my major right off the bat? Not wasting 4 fucking years of my life relearning shit I should have been taught in high school and THEN going off to law school to learn things that are fundamental to my career. But they say you have to take these courses because college is supposed to help you be a successful, well rounded citizen. I say FUCK THAT SHIT. I make myself a successful well rounded person and college just makes me broke, frustrated and FAT from having to eat meals at odd hours of the day and not having time to EXERCISE. If college is so fundamental to a person's life why is it so god damn expensive? Why am I paying an arm and a leg, looking for scholarships/grants, signing my life away to Sallie Mae and working full time just so I can get my degree?  PLUS paying for textbooks that I wont ever use again that cost an arm and a leg as well. I swear college is just another scam trying to get money out of unsuspecting people...

BAH! I'm done with my lil rant...for now -_-