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Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I'm a simple woman with a complex mind and here is where I express my weird and sometimes unusual but always thought provoking random ramblings. Hope you enjoy em, and if you dont -shrugs- sucks to be you ^_^

May 27, 2010


~Now Playing - Backstabbers by the O'Jays~

~cue villainous music~

So, it has come to my attention that motherfuckers are starting to try and sabotage people's relationships. Actually no, this has not just been brought to my attention. I've witnessed this many times before but I held my tongue because it was funny to me. But the more I hear about it the more I'm just like, WHY? Why as an adult are you gossiping about who is dating who? Why are you investigating people and snitching on people? Are you that miserable and that LAME that you have to bring others down and make them miserable like you? Relationships that are public online or start online are the types of relationships that I see this happen with most often. My best friend has told me several times that he has had the female that he likes tell him about other MEN telling her about all of his business and asking her questions about my best friend. Really though? I hate saying this but that's just GAY. Why are you concerned with what the next man is doing? Is that the only way you can get a girl? By throwing salt onto the next man's game? Maybe you step YOUR game up and become a better man and stop worrying whats going on in another man's world. Ive also seen females get into their feelings about a guy they like talking to someone else. Just because you like this guy does not mean they are yours. If there is no commitment, he has every right to talk to whomever the fuck he wants to talk to. People really need to just mind their business and let others live their lives...


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